Here you will find sequence of activities under Cultural and printable resources
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The Montessori Cultural Curriculum has the following subjects:
- Geography and Social Studies
- Botany
- Zoology
- History
- Music
- Art
Subjects and sequence of activities
Geography and Social Studies
- Sandpaper globe
- The coloured globe
- Jigsaw map of the world
- Continent cards
- Jigsaw maps of the continents and model animals
- Pictures from various continents
- Introduction to the three elements
- Land and water forms
- Cardinal point
- Maps of continents and oceans (Isolation map)
- A jigsaw map of the child’s own continent showing countries
- Collection of model animals
- Large pictures of animals
- Identifying animals (loosely grouped)
- Identifying animals (more specifically grouped)
- Jigsaw puzzle of animals
- Terminology cards: identifying animals bodies
- Terminology booklets
- Animals life stories
- Collection of model plants/fruits/vegetables
- Large pictures of plants/fruits/vegetables
- Identifying plants (loosely grouped)
- Botany cabinets: tree, flower and leaf
- Terminology cards: identifying plant parts
- Flower pressing
- First introduction to leaf cabinet
- Importance of the sun
- Growing plants
- Living and non-living things
- Plants life stories
- Animals and their young
- Why study time?
- Timeline of a day in the life of a child
- Teaching the clock
- Teaching the days of week and months of the year
- Child’s birthday walk
- Black introductory timeline
- Pre-historic timeline
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