
Understanding Numbers 1 - 100: The Montessori Approach

Many of us don’t like mathematics not because the subject is hard but because we had teachers who made the subject difficult. Math is all around the young child from day one. How old are you? In one hour you will go to school.  Number  itself cannot be defined and understanding of number grows from experience with real  objects  but eventually they become abstract ideas. It is one of the most abstract concepts that the human mind has encountered. No physical aspects of objects can ever suggest the idea of number. The ability to count, to compute, and to use numerical relationships are among the most significant among human achievements.  The concept of number is not the contribution of a single individual but is the product of a gradual, social evolution. The number system which has been created over thousands of years is an abstract invention. It began with the realization of one and then more than one. It is marvelous to see the readiness of the child’s understanding of this same con

Three Part Cards

 The 3 Part Cards Have you heard of 3part cards?  What are they and their uses? Three part cards also known as nomenclature or naming cards, are used to teach names of things.  The 3-part cards, also known as classified pictures or nomenclature, are a staple in the Montessori classroom. They are among the visible materials you find once you enter a Montessori prepared environment. Like the name implies, the three part card has 3parts,  1. The picture card(only picture)  2. The name tag 3. Control card(serve as control of error)  1. The picture card(only picture) has only picture. 2. The name tag: This card has only the name. 3. Control card(serve as control of error) : This card has the picture and name of the concept. The three part cards help a child in 1. Identification of objects by sight and name 2. Matching or pairing objects 3. Development of memory 4. Concentration and coordination  5. Independence  6. Vocabulary development  7. Development of oral language skill How to use the

Your Child Can Understand Anything If You Start With This

Many struggle to understand maths or other concepts. Here is a way you can help anyone understand concepts and maths. This struggle can be attributed to how they were taught concepts or introduced to mathematics. I was in training recently and in the course of our discussion, a teacher asked a question, “Can we use pictures to teach in place of objects?” Visit many preschools today and you will see pictures, charts, etc, displayed everywhere.  Are these practices good?  Yes. It has it merit but meaningful learning goes beyond see pictures.  In the word of Leonard Peikoff  in his famous lecture "Teaching Johnny To Think" “Man's knowledge begins at the perceptual level, with the use of the five senses. … The perceptual level is concerned with concrete.” Wrong precepts will always lead to wrong concepts. It is pertinent to feed the minds of children with concrete experience. The instructor turned to answer the question and made reference to a simple principle the Singaporean

Montessori Language Curriculum Areas

                      Montessori Language The Montessori language Curriculum has 4 areas. They are Preliminary Activities Pink Series Blue Series Green Series These areas fall under these: The Oral Language Exercise The written Language Exercise Reading The Oral Language Exercise Preliminary Activities : These   involves all the  activities that will help the child hear the spoken language, acquire language and use language in context. It also includes the activities that will help the child to know and understand the graphical symbols of the language of his immediate environment. When the child arrives in a Montessori classroom, he already has a completion of the spoken language. During his first three years of life, the child has been constructing his language and now, in the Montessori classroom, he will be consolidating what he knows. Because the child's will is being constructed, he can consciously begin to explore language. This is the perfect time for the child to gain the